UMass Boston

General Medicine
All departmental services are located in the Quinn Administration Building, 2nd floor.
Phone: 617-287-5660
Fax: 617-287-3977
Counseling Center

24/7 Crisis Phone Support

Phone: 617.287.5690
Fax: 617.287.5507
Health & Wellness


UMass Boston departments offer various services to assist students with their academic and social success. We have listed those departments and services to which we most often refer students:

On Campus Resources

General Medicine of University Health Services offers preventative, episodic, sexual health, and laboratory services, as well as specialist referrals.

Academic Support Services hosts several tutoring programs for students including through the College of Liberal Arts and College of Science and Mathematics, a Math Resource Center, an ESL Center, a Graduate Writing Center, and workshops.

The Interfaith Campus Ministry provides a Sanctuary and Prayer Space for reflection, prayer, or meditation, and offers various worship and meditation activities and spiritual guidance.

UMB-UR-BEST (University Resources for Behavioral and Education Skills Training) offers students various types of mental health support, including workshops about mental health-related topics, psychoeducational testing, and coaching for short-term difficulties with mental health or academic/school-related difficulties.

The Ross Center for Disability Services provides services for eligible students with disabilities, such as ADHD and Autism Spectrum, as well as services helping students to request and obtain accommodations.

The Dean of Students Office is available to meet with students to help navigate any issue affecting their academic and non-academic success, including personal or family emergencies, difficulty resolving an academic or classroom issue, and being the victim of violence, harassment, sexual assault or any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct. They can also help if you are concerned about the well-being of another student.

U-ACCESS (Office of Urban and Off-Campus Support Services) provides case management, information, and resource referrals for students struggling with/facing temporary homelessness, emancipation from foster care, chronic poverty, chronic hunger, and financial hardship. They also have a food pantry available for students struggling with food insecurity.

The Office of Housing & Residential Life assists students in finding housing or roommates and can guide any housing or roommate issues.

The University Advising Center's staff meets with undergraduate students to provide information about academic policies, identify a student's unique academic path, guide to staying on track, select classes, and navigate educational transition and difficulties.

The Asian American Student Success Program provides a wide range of services for Asian American students, including tutoring, peer mentorship, academic coaching, career development, and help with navigating resources on campus.

Active Minds is a national organization with a student group at UMass Boston that aims to reduce stigma around mental health issues.

Ombuds Services is a confidential resource for any UMass Boston community member experiencing a university-related problem, conflict, or concern. The Ombudsperson can help you think through complex issues, understand your options, and consider next steps. Where appropriate the Ombuds can provide practical assistance toward a resolution. As a confidential, informal, impartial, and independent third party, the Ombuds is unbiased and "off-the-record." Call 617-506-9449 or email to schedule a phone, Zoom, or in-person appointment.

Community and Online Resources

Crisis Lines

Samaritans offers a 24/7 support helpline if you are in distress or have suicidal thoughts. They also offer online and text supports. Call or text 877-870-4673
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline also offers a 24/7 support hotline and information about suicide prevention.
The Trevor Project offers crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth with a 24/7 helpline and online and text support. Call 866-488-7386
STEVE Keyword Service The Steve Fund has created a special keyword, STEVE, that young people of color can text to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.
The Big Joy Project | Greater Good in Action In 7 minutes a day for 7 days, discover which micro-acts of JOY work best for you, and be part of the largest-ever citizen science project on JOY. 

Support around Suicidality

24/7 Crisis Line An on-call crisis counselor is available 24/7 to UMB students: 855-634-4135.  If you are in distress, struggling to cope, and have urgent need for support.  This resources is for mental health emergencies or in crisis situations. If you need support in a timely way and cannot wait, such as for a next session or counseling services This service is free to UMB students, and always available from any location on or off campus. Any student who calls after-hours will also be routed to crisis counseling. If you are seeking a private space on campus for a day time phone call we can help you connect.

Now Matters Now offers education and coping tips for suicidal thoughts.
Now Matters

HelpGuide resource on how to help someone who is suicidal and save a life

Suicide is Preventable provides information on how to identify if and how to help someone who may be struggling with suicidality

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America offers additional information on suicide and prevention topics

Self-Injury Outreach provides resources to understand and overcome self-injury

TWLOHA offers hope and help to people struggling with depression and self-injury in any form

Interpersonal Violence and Sexual Assault resources

These organization provide services to the survivors of interpersonal violence and sexual assault in Massachusetts and the Greater Boston area. Many of these services are free, and they are all confidential.

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center offers support and services to survivors of sexual violence, including a 24 hour hotline, counseling, and medical and legal advocacy.

SafeLink is a Massachusetts domestic violence hotline where you can get support and information about services for anyone affected by domestic or dating violence.  SafeLink is run by Casa Myrna, an organization that provides housing, legal, and counseling services to survivors of domestic violence.

Casa Myrna

Violence Recovery Program at Fenway Health offers counseling, support groups, advocacy, and referral services to LGBT victims of violence.

Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center offers services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and community violence, including advocacy, crisis intervention, counseling, and support groups.

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence offers multilingual services to Pan-Asian survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence, including a 24 hour help line, crisis intervention, emergency shelter, case management (i.e. legal, medical and immigration advocacy) and referral assistance

DOVE, Inc. offers a 24 hour hotline, crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter, and legal advocacy to the victims of dating and domestic violence.

The Network/La Red is a survivor-led organization that provides a 24 hour hotline, support, crisis intervention, referrals, legal assistance and support groups for LGBTQ survivors of domestic violence

Food and Housing insecurity

Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
MA Homeless

Food Insecurity
Greater Boston Food Bank

General Mental Health and Wellness

Go Ask Alice has information on a variety of health and wellness topics

National Alliance on Mental Illness is a grassroots mental health organization committed to building better lives for those affected by mental illness.

Psychology Today has a search tool to find referrals for a local therapist, support group, or psychiatrist. It also offers articles on various mental health topics.

HelpGuide provides information about a range of mental health and wellness topics as well as self-help resources.

Audios, Podcasts and TED Talks

Ellen Hendrickson, PhD is a Boston area psychologist and podcaster who offers information on a wide range of self-help tips.

The 26 Best TED talks about Mental Health
Best TED Talks

TED Talk with Andrew Solomon: How the worst moments of our lives make us who we are.
Andrew Solomon

Mental Health and Social Justice

Counter the Anxiety of Racist Experiences
Understanding Racism Related Stress can Help People of Color Cope with Negative Effects
You’re Not a Bad Person, Facing Privilege Can be Liberating
Stigma and Mental Health

Filling our Cups: 4 Ways People of Color can Foster Mental Health and Practice Restorative Healing

Surviving and Resisting Hate

A Toolkit for Queer and Trans POC/Our Collective Healing

Audios and Video

Sea Change: Navigating Oppression is a brief video exploring the emotional consequences of oppression.
Sea Change
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has a number of YouTube videos addressing a wide range of mental health topics

Toolkits from the Immigration, Critical Race and Cultural Equity Lab 

Our Mental Health Minute Series  

#racialtraumaisreal  Infographic

Finding Your Way in a Difficult World

As we reflect on the events of the past year and think about how many of us have been impacted by recent federal actions, we want to affirm our commitment to promoting and celebrating diversity in all its forms.

Some members of our community have been targeted because of the color of their skin, their religious faith or country of origin, their gender or the gender of those they love. Others have experienced the divisiveness of the current political climate more indirectly. We know that these experiences can contribute to people feeling unsafe on campus or as they travel to and from school. We also know that witnessing or being the target of hate can make it difficult for a person to grow and flourish.

As a counseling center committed to making sure that all students have access to care regardless of their background, immigration status or how they identify, we feel a particular dedication to renouncing oppression in all it's forms. It is our goal to offer a safe and affirming environment so that all members of the campus community will feel welcome to seek our services.

Coping After a Catastrophic Event

People often feel emotionally overwhelmed after a catastrophic event, whether they were present for it or not. Responses will vary widely (across people and over time) and may include:

  • feeling numb
  • difficulty sleeping
  • intrusive thoughts, memories and images
  • heightened anxiety (e.g., fear of leaving your home, being easily startled, feeling on edge)
  • feeling helpless
  • difficulty focusing
  • feeling angry
  • feeling unaffected by the event
  • feeling out of sorts or disconnected

For most people, these reactions will subside within a few days to a few weeks.

A range of strategies and responses can aid with recovery. You can use your existing resources and methods of coping that have been helpful in the past. Communities of all kinds help us build resilience and strengthen us, so turning to our communities is helpful at times like this. Some activities that can help with recovery include:

  • letting yourself feel what you’re feeling and not holding it in
  • talking to people if you find that helpful
  • taking care of yourself (getting regular exercise, eating healthily, trying to get good sleep, cutting yourself some slack given the current situation)
  • staying connected with others
  • taking action in whatever way is meaningful to you (e.g., volunteering or donating blood, spiritual practice, or doing other non-event related things that matter to you or you enjoy)
  • returning to regular routines, including going places that may cue anxiety, fear, or panic
  • limiting your exposure to news reports and images of the distressing event
  • being kind to yourself, no matter what you’re feeling
  • understanding each person copes differently
  • talking to professors if you need extensions on assignments so that you can balance taking care of yourself, recovering, and meeting responsibilities


Togetherall is a peer-to-peer mental health support community which is available online, 24/7, and is completely anonymous so you can express yourself freely and openly.

Substance Use

Rehabilitation Centers in Massachusetts

  • offers accessible, reliable, and up-to-date information on substance use disorders and recovery. With resources tailored for individuals at every stage of their journey, we aim to help everyone find the support they need to live healthier lives. Find support near you.

  • MA Young People in Recovery provides young adults with groups, activities, training, and resources to better assist them in learning about and/or recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

LGBTQ+ Support

Mental Health Resources (Off-Campus)

Support Groups

Safe Spaces

  • 18 Degrees (Western MA) - ages 11-30
  • Boston Alliance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth (BAGLY, Inc) - Downtown Boston


  • MA Name + Gender Marker Changes Quick Guide - includes resources for legal name change, as well as name and/or gender changes for social security, DMV/RMV/state license, passport, birth certificate, health insurance, and medical records.

General Medicine
All departmental services are located in the Quinn Administration Building, 2nd floor.
Phone: 617-287-5660
Fax: 617-287-3977
Counseling Center

24/7 Crisis Phone Support

Phone: 617.287.5690
Fax: 617.287.5507
Health & Wellness